- by John Wesley With Commentary by William Abraham, Editor
Vol. 1 Sermons 1–15The Methodist handbook of spiritual directionWith helpful notes and reflection questions for readers, William J. Abraham offers John Wesley’s 44 sermons in an easy-to-read format. Abraham reminds us that John Wesley was first and foremost a spiritual director—a theologian of the Christian...
- by Mark K. Olson
John Wesley’s Doctrine of Justification provides updated scholarship on this pivotal doctrine of Methodism, providing a deeper understanding of a major tenet of the Christian faith. Mark Olson offers a comprehensive treatment of the development and exposition of Wesley’s doctrine of justification and how it...
- by Felicia Howell LaBoy, Keith Lawrence, Donnell J. Moore, General Editors
A Tribute to the Unique Contribution of Black Methodism to Black Liberation Theology and Womanist Theology A new Black theology of liberation that addresses the needs of people crushed under the prevailing systems of racial, gender, and heterosexist oppression in America Allen. Jones. Varick. Lee....
- by Ahyun Lee
Pastoral healing and helping requires forging bonds with difference. This book is for religious professionals—pastors, pastoral counselors, therapists, and chaplains—anyone who wants a deeper understanding of healing in a ministry context. When persons seek healing through counseling, they bring embodied stories, problems, and issues—enfleshed and...
- by John Wesley With Commentary by William Abraham, Editor
Vol. 3 Sermons 29–44 The Methodist handbook of spiritual directionWith helpful notes and reflection questions for readers, William J. Abraham offers John Wesley’s 44 sermons in an easy-to-read format. Abraham reminds us that John Wesley was first and foremost a spiritual director—a theologian of the...
- by John Wesley With Commentary by William Abraham, Editor
Vol. 2 Sermons 16–28 The Methodist handbook of spiritual directionWith helpful notes and reflection questions for readers, William J. Abraham offers John Wesley’s 44 sermons in an easy-to-read format. Abraham reminds us that John Wesley was first and foremost a spiritual director—a theologian of the...
- by John Wesley With Commentary by William Abraham, Editor
Vol. 1 Sermons 1–15 The Methodist handbook of spiritual directionWith helpful notes and reflection questions for readers, William J. Abraham offers John Wesley’s 44 sermons in an easy-to-read format. Abraham reminds us that John Wesley was first and foremost a spiritual director—a theologian of the...
- by Jason E. Vickers and Jerome Van Kuiken, General Editors
Maps the Path of Pan-Wesleyan Christologies An international group of Pan-Wesleyan scholars address this question posed by Jaroslav Pelikan: What happened to Methodist Christology after Wesley? Vickers’ work on Methodist Christology in The Oxford Handbook of Methodist Studies sketched a preliminary answer. This book fills...
- by Ashley Boggan Dreff
2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment. While some things have changed, others haven’t. This book tells the story of American Methodist women’s efforts fight for women’s rights, beginning with the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and ending with the #MeToo movement. Each chapter...
- by W. Stephen Gunter, Editor
Inspiring words from John Wesley, the founder of Methodism Published in cooperation of The Foundation for Evangelism, "The Quotable Mr. Wesley, Updated Edition" is a treasure trove of wisdom taken from John Wesley’s journals, notes, letters, and sermons on topics as: Communion, evangelism, grace, perfection,...