- by John Wesley With Commentary by William Abraham, Editor
Vol. 1 Sermons 1–15The Methodist handbook of spiritual directionWith helpful notes and reflection questions for readers, William J. Abraham offers John Wesley’s 44 sermons in an easy-to-read format. Abraham reminds us that John Wesley was first and foremost a spiritual director—a theologian of the Christian...
- by John R. Tyson
Jesus became human so that we might become divine Charles Wesley was a portrait painter, but he used words, not oils, as his medium. As the cofounder of Methodism, he was a preacher, poet, and musician. But, above all, Charles Wesley was an artist--a lyricist--and...
- by Ahyun Lee
Pastoral healing and helping requires forging bonds with difference. This book is for religious professionals—pastors, pastoral counselors, therapists, and chaplains—anyone who wants a deeper understanding of healing in a ministry context. When persons seek healing through counseling, they bring embodied stories, problems, and issues—enfleshed and...