Los Mentores como Instrumentos del Llamado de Dios: Reflexiones Bíblicas / Mentors as Instruments of God’s Call: Biblical Reflections Bilingual Edition

by Justo L. González
Los Mentores como Instrumentos del Llamado de Dios: Reflexiones Bíblicas / Mentors as Instruments of God’s Call: Biblical Reflections Bilingual Edition
ISBN: 9781945935527
ISBN: 9781945935534

The Biblical Foundations of Mentoring

A new bilingual edition in Spanish and English. Since its first edition, published in 1992, this book has become a sought-after guide. It is also an excellent and concise introduction for anyone interested in learning more about the biblical meaning of mentoring. Drawing on mentoring relationships in the Old and New Testaments, González shows how God uses one person as an instrument to call others or help them clarify their call to ministry. Questions for reflection invite readers to apply new understandings to their own experience of God working in their lives. 

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Justo L. Gonzálezis a Cuban-American Methodist historian and theologian. He is a prolific author and an influential contributor to the development of Latin American theology. González helped found the first academic journal related to Latino/a theology, Apuntes, andthe Association for Hispanic Theological Education, for which he has twice served as Executive Council Chair. He was the first Director of the Hispanic Summer Program and helped found the Hispanic Theological Initiative. 

Afterward by Dave Martinez. Martinez is the Director of Specialized Programs of Theological Education, Division of Ordained Ministry, The United Methodist Church.