Introduction to Theology for Ministry

There is no ministry without theology.
Written from a United Methodist perspective, this introduction begins, as did John Wesley, with scripture and an understanding of Jesus, who embodies ministry with theological integrity. From this starting point author, Elaine Robinson, moves to defining theology and how it developed. From there, Robinson lays out issues of method and language. In the final section, she systemically discusses basic doctrines of faith, including: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Church, Last Things, and Humanity. This book is ideal for those who want to learn about the foundational beliefs of Christianity.
“This book is more than an excellent introduction to the study of theology. Elaine Robinson shows with clarity and insight why theological reflection is essential to faithful and effective ministry, not only in teaching and preaching but in worship, building community and outreach to others. It is a welcome and immensely helpful resource for all who are called to serve in pastoral leadership in The United Methodist Church.”
—Henry H. Knight III (Hal), Donald and Pearl Wright Professor of Wesleyan Studies and E. Stanley Jones Professor of Evangelism, Saint Paul School of Theology
“Writing with clarity and insight, Dr. Robinson invites the reader into an engagement with the history, methods, and trajectories of Christian theology over the centuries. She places Wesleyan theology within that broad stream and encourages us to connect that Wesleyan heritage with the practical realities of everyday ministry. This is a most helpful introductory volume for those just starting in ministry or those who need to review and expand their capacity for deliberative theological reflection.”
—Larry M. Goodpaster (retired); currently serving as Bishop-in-Residence, Candler School of Theology, Emory University
Wesley’s Foundery Books is an imprint of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of The United Methodist Church. These academic books are clearly and accessibly written by Methodist/Wesleyan experts, with an emphasis on church life and ministry. Representing the rich diversity of the church, Wesley’s Foundery Books offer a disciplined and balanced approach.
Elaine A. Robinson is Professor of Methodist Studies and Christian Theology at Saint Paul School of Theology.