Los Profetas The Prophetic Role of Hispanic Churches in America

The Multi-Vocal Witness and Rich Diversity of Hispanic Protestant Churches
In this collection of inspiring essays, nine diverse Wesleyan and Pentecostal
Hispanic/Latino practitioners discuss what it means to speak prophetically on today’s issues
related to the incarnational church, Campesinos, border church, cross-cultural ministry,
missions, evangelism, politics, higher education, and leadership. This resource is highly
recommended for pastors, lay leaders, professors, and seminarians.
Foreward by Bishop Joel N. Martinez (retired)
Gretchen L. Avila-Torres Vinicius Couto
César M. Durán Daniel F. Flores
Thelma Herrera Flores Joseph A. Ocasio
Daniel E. Ruarte Girien Ricardo Salazar
Eliezer Valentín-Castañón
Rev. Dr. Daniel F. Flores is the University Librarian and the Luther W. and Ruth E. Sappenfield Chair of Library Science at Texas Lutheran University. He has taught history and theology in the US, England, the Caribbean, and Latin America. He holds six earned graduate degrees including an MDiv from Princeton Theological Seminary and a PhD from Drew University. Dr. Flores is married to Rev. Thelma Herrera Flores, a United Methodist Deacon.
Praise for Profetas
One key component of the book is the ability to recognize not only the contexts for relevant prophetic ministries but the will of translating the Biblical theological concepts into contemporary spiritual, social, and political realities. ¡Enhorabuena!
– Dr. Samuel Pagan, dean, Jerusalem Center for Biblical Studies
I am pleased to recommend this book to Christian leaders wanting to understand more about the role of Hispanic evangelical leaders in America today. This work fills a gap in contemporary writing and gives new insight into this important segment of the fastest-growing population in our country.
– Carlos Campo, PhD, president, Ashland University and Theological Seminary
Speaking from the diverse Christian Community, the voices and testimony found in this work unite to proclaim a powerful message of prophetic witness in various settings, including the border, urban barrios, rural settings, and within government, and political contexts. This work is a highly useful resource for teaching and study.
– Dr. David Maldonado, former president of Iliff Seminary
The writers are outstanding and genuine leaders in the Latino community of the diaspora, who are writing from their own experience and from their souls. This is the kind of book that blesses seminaries and institutes, but most importantly, the life of the Church.
– Bishop Benjamin Feliz, DMin, general presbyter, Church of God of Prophecy
In these difficult days, when the American church too often mirrors the dysfunction and polarization of the wider culture, there is much to learn from the prophetic witness of the Hispanic church. This book is a gift for our time.
– Jeffrey Munroe, editor, The Reformed Journal; author, Reading Buechner; former executive vice president, Western Theological Seminary
Wesley’s Foundery Books is an imprint of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of The United Methodist Church. These books are clearly and accessibly written by Methodist/Wesleyan experts, with an emphasis on church life and ministry. Representing the rich diversity of the church, Wesley’s Foundery Books offer a disciplined and balanced approach. GHBEM Publishing is an affiliate member of the Association of University Presses.
As the leadership agency, the mission of General Board of Higher Education and Ministry is to build capacity for United Methodist lay and clergy leaders to discover, claim, and flourish in Christ’s calling in their lives, by creating connections and providing resources to aid in recruitment, education, professional development, and spiritual formation. GBHEM Publishing produces books that engage, nurture, and advocate for the intellectual life of The United Methodist Church.