Discover, Claim, and Flourish

by Charles “Ray” R. Bailey, General Editor
Discover, Claim, and Flourish
ISBN: 9781945935565
ISBN: 9781945935565

Reflecting on Your Leadership Journey

Journal your way through a 12-week Christian leader intensive.

This fully illustrated resource combines winning leadership concepts and insightful scriptural meditations in a daily journal specifically created for leaders. Use it to chart a personal leadership path and as an atlas for teams.

With this journal leaders can develop and construct their vision to lead God’s people, embody God’s grace, and offer ministry in God’s name for the church and the world. The journal offers relevant scripture passages, inspirational stories, insightful information, expert advice, and generous space for journaling. Use this helpful guide to help you discover, claim, and flourish in your leadership. 

Charles “Ray” R. Bailey is formerly Associate General Secretary for Strategic Leadership, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, The United Methodist Church. As a strategic executive mentor and coach, Bailey has built a record of creating effective leadership development programs, honed through years of progressive experience and growth in the US Army (Retired Brigadier General). A trusted advisor to senior leaders, Bailey has a global perspective on culture, values, diversity, and communication that enables him to envision and employ organizational strategies that drive results.