$2 Million to be Awarded through the Commission on Central Conference Theological Education Fund
The Commission on Central Conference Theological Education Fund (CCTEF) met in Nashville, Tennessee at the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry offices in early December 2017. The CCTEF meets on an annual basis to select recipients for the CCTEF grants, and every four years a new executive committee is selected.

The newly selected 2017-2020 CCTEF executive committee includes:
- Chairperson: Bishop Peter Torio, Philippines Central Conference, Baguio Episcopal Area
- Vice Chairperson: Bishop Joaquina Filipe Nhanala, Africa Central Conference, Mozambique Episcopal Area
- Secretary: Rev. Irene Kraft, Germany Central Conference
At-Large Members:
- Rev. Chijika Kongolo (Congo Central Conference)
- Rev. Tsitsi Madziyire (Africa Central Conference)
- Rev. Connie Mella (Philippines Central Conference)
- Dr. Yed Angoran (West Africa Central Conference)
- Dr. Sergei Nikolaev (Europe Central Conference)
A total of 117 CCTEF grants were submitted for review in 2017 and grants totaling $2 million were awarded. Recipients will be notified of the grant amounts in 2018 upon confirmation from the General Council on Finance and Administration of apportionment receipts.
The due date for 2018 CCTEF grant applications is September 15, 2018. The next meeting of the CCTEF Committee will be November 28 to December 1, 2018, in Nashville.
General Conference 2012 established the CCTEF and charged the Council of Bishops to elect a commission that would administer the fund and set policies and procedures. The commission set four general priorities for funding: capacity building, development of contextual education, new and innovative initiatives and sustainability. General Conference 2016 approved $10 million for the 2017-2020 Central Conference Theological Education Fund through the World Service Apportionment Fund. The CCTEF is a separate entity from the Endowment Fund for Theological Education in the Central Conferences (F-TECC).
About GBHEM: As the leadership development agency of The United Methodist Church, the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry’s mission is to build capacity for United Methodist lay and clergy leaders to discover, claim and flourish in Christ’s calling in their lives, by creating connections and providing resources to aid in recruitment, education, professional development and spiritual formation. Every elder, deacon and licensed local pastor benefits from our training and candidacy programs. Many young adults find help in clarifying their vocation and God’s call in their lives through our leadership and discernment programs. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
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