Institutions in Central Conferences that are related to The United Methodist Church

Boards of Ordained Ministry

United Methodist organizations that are integrally related to ministry and theological education

Note: The fund does not directly provide scholarships for individual students. Students may request scholarships from their educational institution or their conference Board of Ordained Ministry.

The CCTEF grant application period takes place annually from Nov. 15 through Jan. 15. For more information, please send a message to GBHEM’s global theology office at

CCTEF guidelines require that before any project is submitted, each episcopal area (for requests from Boards of Ordained Ministry) must complete an online survey on clergy, and theology schools (submitting their own proposals) must complete a survey on theological institutions.

Applicants must also meet the following requirements:
Application must fit within the categories set by the General Conference.

Application must show a system of fiscal accountability (i.e., treasurer and oversight committee for designated funds).

Grant recipients must have a bank account that accepts U.S. dollars.

Proposals will need endorsements:
Proposals from Boards of Ordained Ministry must be endorsed by the resident bishop.

Proposals from theological institutions and organizations will need to be endorsed by the school’s board of trustees or directors.

Application forms and all materials related to the CCTEF grant application process MUST be submitted through the online application program. Paper applications are not accepted. Applying institutions, boards or organizations must submit a completed application. Completed applications will be forwarded to the person named for their endorsement.

Approval process: All proposals will be screened by a committee from each Central Conference. The screening committees will present their recommendations to the full commission. Project proposals that involve more than one Central Conference will be screened by the commission’s executive committee.

Award notification: Applicants will be notified of award decisions by email. The applicant will need to accept the grant online and submit an updated budget for the award amount.

If the proposal is approved and awarded a grant, the Commission requires a progress report and a final report to be submitted. Reports must be submitted through the online grant application program Fluid Review.

Transfer of award funds: For security purposes, grant recipients must submit an International Wire Transfer form. Recipients will be asked to confirm when the funds have been received.