Commission on Central Conference Theological Education 2021 Grants
Central Conference | Project Title | On Behalf Of: | Award Amount |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | The Endowment Fund for Theological Education in the Central Conferences | Endowment Fund Board | $85,120.00 |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | Online Library Resources with E-Readers: Contextual Theological Education in Africa | AAUMTI | $100,000.00 |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | AAUMTI Association Meeting | AAUMTI | $18,000.00 |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | Digitization of Africa University Library Archival Material | Africa University | $35,680.00 |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | ITRS Staff Development in Inclusive Pastoral Ministry and Education focusing on Sign Language and Braille Competences | Africa University | $23,178.00 |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | ITRS Staff Development in Disaster Risk Management, Entrepreneurship and Conflict Resolution and Mediation | Africa University | $18,810.00 |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | E-Learning Project for Mozambique and Angola West Episcopal Areas | United Methodist University of Mozambique and United Methodist university of Angola | $18,612.00 |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | Institute for Multicultural Ministry | North Germany Conference | $5,000.00 |
Across Multiple Central | Transforming Worship – Gottesdienst verändert – International Worship Forum (European Central Conferences overlapping project) | Reutlingen School of Theology | $5,000.00 |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | 2022 BEA-DEA-MEA Theological Schools Development Fund | The United Methodist Church | $27,000.00 |
Africa Central Conference | The Historic Walk | The United Methodist Church | $10,800.00 |
Africa Central Conference | District Evangelstic Journey | The United Methodist Church | $16,200.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Training for Leaders about excessive use of drugs and sexual abuse of minors | The United Methodist Church | $5,856.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Scholarships | Methodist Theological Seminary in Quessua | $19,800.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Translation of Instructional Materials and Ritual in Kimbundo | The United Methodist Church | $10,800.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Formation and Theological Update for Pastors “Scholarships” | Methodist Institute Bispo Emílio de Carvalho | $31,728.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Scholarship for Local Students | Methodist University in Angola – School of Theology | $31,728.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Scholarships for Theology Students | BOM | $63,456.00 |
Africa Central Conference | UMUM: Faculty of Theology Scholarship | United Methodist University of Mozambique | $23,886.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Cambine Theological Seminary Scholarships | Vasco Matio | $5,410.80 |
Africa Central Conference | Computer Center and Scholarships | Center for Theological Trainning in Gondola | $12,270.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Computer Center and Scholarships | United Methodist Church in Mozambique | $12,570.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Ministerial Training | United Theological College | $10,239.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Ministerial Training | Africa University | $29,239.00 |
Africa Central | Ministerial Training 2022-2025 | Zimbabwe West Annual Conference | $10,239.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Course of Study | BOM Malawi Provisional Annual Conference | $13,739.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Hold for Mozambique future applications | $9,319.20 | |
Congo Central Conference | Introduction Of The New Disability Theology Program In Theological Establishments / Episcopal Region Of Congo Central) | John Wesley Methodist University | $4,435.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Scholarships and Faculty Development | John Wesley Methodist University | $14,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Scholarships | Diengenga Theological School | $9,500.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Scholarships and Faculty Development |