Commission on Central Conference Theological Education 2020 Grants
Central Conference | Project Title | On Behalf Of: | Award Amount |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | TRAINING OF TRAINERS OF LAY SERVANTS IN CENTRAFRIQUE REPUBLIC | Francophone Consultation For Theological Education | $18,500.00 |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) | Africa University | $20,000.00 |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | 2021 BEA – MEA – DEA Theological Schools Development Fund | THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH | $30,000.00 |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | E-Reader Project: Contextual Theological Education in Africa | AAUMTI | $118,700.00 |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | AAUMTI Ph.D. Scholarship Programme: Theological Education in Africa | Africa Association of United Methodist-related Theological Institutions: AAUMTI | $79,150.00 |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | AAUMTI CAPACITY BUILDING WORKSHOP AND TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING | Anglophone (AAUMTI) | $11,000.00 |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | AAUMTI Annual Meeting | Africa Association of United Methodist-related Theological Institutions: AAUMTI | $87,500.00 |
Across Multiple Central Conferences | The Endowment Fund for Theological Education in the Central Conferences | Endowment Fund Board | $83,222.50 |
Africa Central Conference | Course of Study | BOM Malawi Provisional Annual Conference | $17,156.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Mantendo a Igreja em Marcha em tempos de COVID-19 Keeping the Church Going in COVID-19 Times |
JMO | $15,235.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Burundi Conference Course of Study | Burundi BOM | $15,661.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Novas Áreas de evangelização New Areas of Evangelism |
IMUCALA | $4,500.00 |
Africa Central Conference | TReinar novos Lideres para pregar o evangelho de Cristo Training new leaders to preach the gospel of Christ |
IMUCALA | $27,000.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Cambine Seminary Scholarship and Theological | Vasco Matio | $19,562.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Educação Teológica fundamental III. Fundamental Theological Education III. |
Universidade Metodista de Angola – UMA | $33,097.00 |
Africa Central Conference | UMUM- Faculdade de Teologia Bolsas de Estudo UMUM- Faculty of Theology Scholarships |
Universidade Metodista unida de Mocambique | $13,500.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Hold for additional Zimbabwe applications | $30,550.00 | |
Africa Central Conference | Ministerial Training | United Theological College | $14,580.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Hold for additional Mozambique applications | $12,664.00 | |
Africa Central Conference | Formação Teologica Theological Training |
Instituto Metodista de Teologia Bispo Emilio de Caevalho | $33,097.00 |
Africa Central Conference | treinamento para líderes Religiosos Training for Religious Leaders |
Igreja Metodista Unida | $14,850.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Curso Conferêncial do estudo bíblico Bible study conference course |
Junta do Ministério Ordenado | $3,500.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Alfatização fase 2 Alphabetization Phase 2 |
IMUCALA | $1,344.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Students’ scholarship and Faculty development | United Methodist Theological Training College | $30,533.00 |
Africa Central Conference | Formação aos Pastores sobre a integração dos dificientes físicos Training Pastors on integrating the physically challenged |
Direção Geral de Evangelismo | $15,000.00 |
Africa Central Conference | WUMTC Kenya-Ethiopia Conference E-learning Centre & Student Pastors scholarships | Wesleyan United Methodist Training College (WUMTC) | $20,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Field Practicum | Wesley College | $2,300.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Bourses d’études des étudiants Student Scholarships |
Diengenga Pastoral School | $12,924.38 |
Congo Central Conference | Recyclage et mise à niveau des pasteurs en milieux ruraux sur la gestion d’une église locale pendant et après la période de pandémie Retraining and upgrading of rural pastoralists on how to manage a local church during and after the pandemic period. |
Ministère ordonné | $1,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Kabongo Methodist University (School of Theology) 2020-2021 | Kabongo Methodist University School of Theology | $9,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Leadership transformationnel et l’Evangélisation digitale en période de la Covid-19 Transformational Leadership and Digital Evangelization in the Covid-19 period |
Département des projets Congo Central | $10,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Bourse d’études pour les étudiants Pasteurs du Nord-Katanga Scholarship for Pastoral Students of North Katanga |
Congo Central Conference | scholarships and faculty development | Institution Universite Patrice Emery Lumumba | $35,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Scholarship to be granted to Theological Students from Lubumbashi Methodist Theological School | Lubumbashi Methodist Theological School | $7,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | La gestion d’un district ecclésiastique Management of a Church District |
BOD/ Central Congo | $25,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Bourse de Master et de Doctorat en Théologie de trois étudiants Master’s and Doctorate in Theology scholarships for three students |
Ministère Ordonné de la Conférence du Sud-Congo | $2,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Appui à la formation locale des formateurs et à la mobilité des enseignants Support for local training of trainers and teacher mobility”. |
faculté de théologie de l’Université méthodiste de kindu | $10,424.38 |
Congo Central Conference | Deuxième partie de la formation continue des pasteurs dans le leadership Chrétiens pour la croissance de l’Eglise et la transformation du monde. Second Part of the ongoing Training of Pastors in Christian Leadership for Church Growth and World Transformation. |
District Ecclesiastique de Jerusalem de la Conference du Sud Congo | $1,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Tanganyika Annual Conference Pastors’ School 2021 | UMC-North Katanga, Tanganyika and Tanzania Episcopal Area | $3,500.00 |
Congo Central Conference | North Katanga Annual Conference Pastors’ School 2021 | UMC-North Katanga Annual Conference | $7,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Initiation à l’Evangelisation en Ligne durant la Periode de Covid 19 au Kivu Introduction to Online Evangelization during the Covid 19 Period in Kivu |
UMC Kivu Annual Conference | $5,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | GRANT APPLICATION FOR THEOLOGICL EDUCATION AT THE METHODIST UNIVERSITY OF KINDU | The United Methodist Church of Congo-Est | $40,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Appui à l’enseignement pendant la période de covid-19 Educational support during the covid-19 period |
faculté de théologie de l’Université méthodiste de kindu | $10,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Reinforcement de capacités des pasteurs à l’évangélization dans la conférence du Sud-Congo Capacity Building of Pastores for Evangelism in the Southern Congo Conference |
Département d’évangélisation:vie de l’église et Mission du Sud-Congo | $1,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Mise en place du système de E-Learning au Sein de l’Université Establishment of the E-Learning System within the University |
Congo Central Conference | Démarrage du programme de doctorat Starting the Doctoral Program |
Faculté de Théologie de l’Université Méthodiste au Katanga | $10,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Bourses d’études en Théologie Theological Scholarships |
ECOLE DE THEOLOGIE | $5,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | E-Learning Project for the North Katanga Schools of Theology | Kamina and Kabongo Methodist Universities | $20,000.00 |
Congo Central Conference | Bourse d’étude pour Pasteurs Etudiants/Sud-Congo Scholarship for Pastor Students/South Congo |
Université Méthodiste au Katanga à Mulungwishi | $25,424.38 |
Congo Central Conference | Tanzania Annual Conference Pastors’ |