The Excellence in Clergy Leadership Scholarship is designated for full-time Master of Divinity Students, pursuing ordained ministry in the United Methodist Church, and at one of the 13 United Methodist seminaries/schools of theology.
The General Board of Higher Education and Ministry launched a debt-avoidance scholarship collaboration in 2017 as one component of the UMC Initiative to Address Economic Challenges Facing Pastoral Leaders. Inspired by a $1,000,000 grant awarded to Wespath (UMC General Board of Pension and Health Benefits) in 2016 by the Lilly Endowment, Inc. Wespath, GBHEM and the National Association of United Methodist Foundations collaborated to launch this scholarship and other financial literacy efforts in partnership with United Methodist foundations, annual conferences and seminaries and schools of theology.
2024 Participating Annual Conferences and Foundations
Participating Annual Conference are an integral component of the success of this scholarship. Your support is valuable in making a difference in the lives of our students.
Interested partners may contact Allyson Potts to talk with your boards of ordained ministry, cabinets, teams, or other committee members to communicate program logistics and the proven impact of this scholarship program to future clergy and the church.
Allyson Potts: 615-340-7343
California Nevada Annual Conference
Dakotas Methodist Foundation
Dakotas United Methodist Conference
Desert Southwest United Methodist Foundation
Florida Annual Conference
Great Plains Board of Ordained Ministry
Holston Foundation
Indiana Conference of the United Methodist Church
Iowa United Methodist Foundation
Methodist Foundation of Mississippi
Minnesota Annual Conference
Minnesota Methodist Foundation
Mississippi Annual Conference
Missouri Annual Conference
Missouri United Methodist Foundation
Mountain Sky Annual Conference
North Alabama Methodist Foundation
North Carolina Annual Conference
North Texas Annual Conference
Tennessee Western Kentucky United Methodist Foundation
United Methodist Foundation of Michigan
United Methodist Foundation of West Virginia, Inc
Virginia Conference of The United Methodist Church
Wespath’s Clergy Financial Well Being Initiative
West Virginia Annual Conference
Western North Carolina Annual Conference