Regional Course of Study Schools are established by the Division of Ordained Ministry at locations central to student populations, taking into consideration such factors as availability of United Methodist theological school faculty, library resources, dormitory space, the density of student populations, etc. Full-time local pastors must attend one of these approved Regional Course of Study Schools.
*Please visit the Regional COS School website for information regarding COS Satellite or COS Hybrid locations.
North Central Jurisdiction Course of Study Regional Schools
Northeastern Jurisdiction Course of Study Regional School
South Central Jurisdiction Course of Study Regional Schools
Southeastern Jurisdiction Course of Study Regional Schools
Western Jurisdiction Course of Study School
Some local pastors serve churches on a part-time basis. They may be bi-vocational and unable to attend a Regional Course of Study School. In such cases, where numbers make it sustainable, the Division of Ordained Ministry authorizes a Regional School to have an extension site. These classes are available in a weekend format.