Mission: To pursue knowledge of God, to cultivate leaders for communities of faith, to enrich the academy, and to seek peace with justice in a diverse and interconnected world.
As the founding school of Boston University and the oldest United Methodist seminary in North America, “BU” is a professional school within a cosmopolitan research university that is itself committed to “learning, virtue, and piety.” Rooted in the Wesleyan traditions and drawing from the wider Christian traditions of the world, BU School of Theology strives to equip persons for ministries and vocations that foster personal and social transformation, that are oriented to the world’s diversities, and that expand the prophetic legacy of this historic School of Theology.
Ordination Scholarships: MDiv, MTS, and MSM students who do not have a previous theological masters and are pursuing ordination as an elder or a deacon in the United Methodist Church are given 100% tuition scholarships upon admission into their degree program. As proof of their candidacy they need to submit to the STH Financial Aid Office a copy of the screen shot of the UMCares website showing that they have completed the (1) Candidacy Application Form, (2) District Superintendent Signature, (3) Mentor Signature, and (4) Administration Fee for the Candidacy Process.
MDiv, MTS, and MSM students (those without a prior MDiv/MTS) who are candidates for ordained ministry in the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, or the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church are eligible for a 100% tuition scholarship upon admission to a program. Before the scholarship is awarded, students must submit a letter from the Presiding Elder of their Quarterly Conference explicitly confirming that they are in the ordination process and licensed by that Conference. This documentation is due to the STH Financial Aid Officer before the first day of classes in the student’s first semester.

WEBSITE: www.bu.edu/sth/
ADDRESS: 745 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02215
PHONE: (617) 353-3050
G. Sujin Pak, Dean
Email: sthadmis@bu.edu
Phone: 617-353-3036
Email: sthregfa@bu.edu
Phone: 617-353-3053
Rev. Dr. Robert Allan Hill
Email: rahill@bu.edu
Phone: 617-358-3394